Lunch Orders

There are 3 lunch options that students can order through the school:

  • Tuesdays – Sushi
  • Wednesday – Lunch Online
  • Friday – PTA sausage sizzle

Tuesday Lunches – Sushi

Sushi is available every Tuesday from Westend Sushi. Order sushi through Lunch Online before 8am. It is delivered to the school office by 11am.

Westend Sushi Price
Variety of packs 4 – 6 pieces $3.60 – $7.40
Dumplings $5.95
Bento $7.40 – $8.20

Wednesday Lunches – Lunchonline

Parents, caregivers and students can order school lunches using Lunchonline via the internet. The Lunch Box have joined our lunch programme to provide your student’s food choices fresh to the school in time for lunch.

Orders must be in by 8.00 am.  Click on the button below to order.

Lunch orders are picked up by the children from the SCHOOL OFFICE foyer – arriving by 12.30pm.

Order Lunch Here

Friday Lunches – PTA Sausage Sizzle

To order your items, go to Lunchonline website by clicking on the button below.  The following is a price list of items available:

Choice Price
Sausage & Bread $1.50 (with or without sauce)
Just Juice Splash $1.00
Order Lunch Here

How to Register for Lunchonline

4 easy steps to placing your first order:

  1. Register an account (set up new account)
  2. Add member(s) (set up your child; school & classroom)
  3. Make payment (so you have funds in your account)
  4. Place an order

Once you have made a payment (credit card or internet banking) then you are set to order from the menu provided – healthy and treat options available.

Register for Lunchonline